Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How to Pass the Gmat Essay

How to Pass the Gmat EssayIn order to graduate from high school, students must apply for a Gmat essay writing test, also known as the Gmat. The Gmat is actually an advanced SAT practice test, which involves making a large number of essays. There are also several ways to increase your chances of passing the Gmat.You can easily remember a few Sats. For example, answer the following questions: what is the name of the food chain in the story? What is the picture for the man with a telephone? When do we get ready for dinner?It would be interesting to see what kind of topics and subject you have chosen for your essay. First of all, write down what your main topic is, why you wrote the topic, how you plan to relate to the main topic and what the plot of the entire essay is going to be. It is good to make the plot of the essay so that you can focus on it more.You will need to find the main topic of your essay. Write a paragraph explaining what is the main topic. Then, place the main topic wi thin the beginning of the essay. Keep the sentences short and concise.After you have found the main topic, think about how to put the information in the sentence. There are many subjects where it is more convenient to put an introduction, a conclusion and some supporting information within the first two to three lines of your essay.In your essay, you may want to mention facts about the subject you want to write about. However, you should make sure that the facts are facts. There are many people who just leave out facts because they are not true. Do not be one of them!Remember that the Gmat is a very advanced SAT practice test. Make sure that you know what it is, and make sure that you study it. This way, you will be able to pass the Gmat.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Social Networking And Its Impact On Society - 1350 Words

The users of social networking, increase the amount of social networking being used each and every day. From January 2008 to January 2014 â€Å"the use of online social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest went up from twenty six percent to seventy four percent† (â€Å"Social Networking ProCon.org†). Spending too much time on social networking, causes some of the people to become distracted from their school, work, and their everyday lives. Social networking is a distraction, and it puts one’s life in danger. Social networking has negatively impacted society. Social networking creates distractions for the users of their school, work, and their everyday lives. In 2012, â€Å"Sixty four percent of employees reported visiting non-work related websites, and of those sixty four percent, forty one percent visited Facebook, thirty seven percent visited LinkedIn, twenty eight percent visited Google+, and eight percent visited Twitter (Social Networking ProCon.org). It starts to become a problem for some people in a workplace because some of the social networking users, become distracted. â€Å"Forty percent of children from the ages of eight to eighteen, spend at least fifty four minutes on social media websites a day† (Social Networking ProCon.org). Most individuals use social networking almost every single day; to learn new things, to look something up that one is not sure about, to talk to friends or family, to figure out more creative ideas, or to tryShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Social Networking On Society950 Words   |  4 PagesAlmos t everybody is aware of some impact social networking sites have had on their life. Whether one comes from the generation before the advances in technology, the generation during the technological advances, or the generation born into the world full of technology, it is all the same; technology has impacted their life. The impact, however, may either be positive or negative. With the way today’s social networking sites (SNS) are working, there seems to be more negatives around than the positivesRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Impact On Society1327 Words   |  6 Pagesthe person his origin or religion. Culture had become the identity of our communities through our behaviors. It has many factors contribute to the formation of each individual’s cultural . Social networking between people contributed to the development of the individual culture and in the development of society. Own personal culture According to Zion and Kozleski â€Å" Given that culture is a combination of beliefs, values, attitudes, and behavior patterns, and that for many, religion isRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Impact On Our Society1503 Words   |  7 PagesSocial Networking and Communication Social networking has destroyed and helped how our society communicates. Everybody is on their phones one way or another just wondering what’s going on. When you figure stuff out, the first place you’ll find it is on social media. Everything you find out would already be on social media basically is what I’m saying. I know I always look to my IPhone 6 to tell me what’s going on in the world. Instead of looking in my phone at the news app to see what’s happeningRead MoreThe Negative Impact of Social Media/Networking on Today’s Society2211 Words   |  9 Pagesto have lost â€Å"that thing† that made it extraordinary at first. I just think the longer it’s around, or the more advanced it gets, the more it has a negative influence on society and individuals. To me, social media has created a new form of bullying, stereotyping, and racism. Along with the overuse of the internet, giving social media more authority, where it is able to expand in form. And last but not least, the way people have taken something that started out constructive, and mutated it into somethingRead MoreDiscuss the Influence That Social Networking Plays in Society Today? How, and to What Extent, Has It Re-Defined Social Relationships and Is This Generationally Specific?1144 Words   |  5 PagesDiscuss the influence that Social Networking plays in society today? How, and to what extent, has it re-defined social relationships and is this generationally specific? Social Networking plays an important role in society today; it will be argued that social networking has redefined social relationships and that this effect is generationally specific (Salman,2009) Social Networking sites such as Facebook have had a profound effect on personal relationships. The twenty first century is an imprisonedRead MoreThe Impact of Social Media on Youth and Adults1646 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscussed Social networks like Facebook, Myspace and Twitter allow individuals to connect with anyone from coworkers to former classmates. The accessibility of these connections allow for individuals to feel easily connected to a larger community, but they have downsides. From false senses of connection, to data pervasiveness ,social networking is something that effects all groups within our culture to the point where we will have to decide if it is benefical or harful to the indivudal. Impacts of SocialRead MoreSocial Networks988 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Networking Sites The Internet and technology are growing bigger and bigger every day and before we know it technology is going to pass us by. With the invention of the Internet and Social Networks, the possibilities are endless. Social networking sites provide us the opportunity to explore the whole world, make friends, and share moments with the rest of the world through the Internet. Everyday more and more people become part of the different social networking sites available now, likeRead MoreSocial Media And Social Networking921 Words   |  4 PagesSocial media is the communication between individuals and groups to share and exchange their ideas through internet. The social networking is part of social media which plays the important role in today’s life. The biggest impact of the social networking is on children, youngs, and adults. Nowaday children are growing up surrounded by technology. They like to use technology such as mobile, tablets, and computers because they can connect easily to social network. We all know how important social networkingRead MoreSociological Perspectives On Social Networking Sites916 Words   |  4 Pages Applying Sociological Perspectives Social networking sites - such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and, Pinterest, just to name a few - provide individuals with an online web of global networking that allows maintaining social ties with one another. Sociologists often ponder, How do these social websites impact society? Above all, this is the question that is the central focus shared by all three of the primary sociologicalRead MoreImpact Of Social Media On Society Essay917 Words   |  4 PagesHave you thought about the impact that social media has on society? Today I would like to address the impact of social media on society for those of you that are social media users and this includes the advantages or disadvantages that as associated with it. In this speech, I want to relate to you how social media is being used by social media users. Social media has forever changed the way society works, whether it’s the sharing of an idea, the communication of news, or the availability of products

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Middle East Faces Water Shortage For The Next 25 Years

Intro paragraph: I collected the news articles for this assignment through various means. For instance, I used Google search, and typed in keywords such as economy, scarce resources, economic analysis, economic data, consumer demand, consumer spending and consumer prices. I would then click the news tab and looked through the list of recent news articles, and I would pick the ones that caught my attention the most. I also went directly to well known news websites, such as the Miami Herald, Washington Post, New York times, Forbes, and Daily Finance. The method I used the most was Google Search, due to the wide variety of options it offered, and because the articles were more organized by date, compared to the other websites. I also watched the News, and then searched for the article I saw on TV through search engines such as Google, Yahoo.etc Article 1 Title of the Article: Middle East Faces Water Shortage for the next 25 years Authors first and last name: John Vidal Webaddress:http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/aug/27/middle-east-faces-water-shortages-for-the-next-25-years-study-says Keywords/ Search terms: U.S economy, resources, scarce resources, scarcity, news Summary: This article talks about the scarcity of water that is being faced by people in the Middle East. The lack of water is due to an increase in temperature, which is drying out underground aquifers, and from agriculture, which consumes large quantities of water. The depleting water supplies areShow MoreRelatedWater Scarcity in India1406 Words   |  6 PagesWater is an essential resource to sustain life. From 50 - 90 percent of the weight of living organisms is water. Water is the major constituent of living matter. Water, essential for growth of all crops, is the natural resource in shortest supply. More than 20 countries lack sufficient water to grow enough food for their people. The situation is getting worse as needs for water rise along with population growth, urbanization and increases in household and industrial uses. According to a UN reportRead MoreU.s. National Security Strategy Essay1562 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Climate change is an urgent and growing threat to o ur national security, contributing to increased natural disasters, refugee flows, and conflicts over basic resources like food and water.† These words from the U.S. National Security Strategy show the United States is moving forward on addressing the challenges posed by climate change. The Department of Defense published the 2014 Climate Change Adaption roadmap establishing three overarching goals and four lines of effort to guide geographicRead MoreEssay Hydro-Politics Along the Jordan River5715 Words   |  23 PagesHydro-Politics Along the Jordan River One of the most important yet under-appreciated conflicts in the Middle East is over water resources along the Jordan River. As population and demand for water in the riparian states of Israel, Jordan, Palestine, and Syria have sky-rocketed, water scarcity in the desert region has reached crisis proportions. In response, leaders on all sides have entered into a dialogue, known as hydro-politics, that has been characterized by an unyielding attitude ofRead MoreThe Oil And Gas Revolution1895 Words   |  8 Pages(Mangeri, 2012). The US oil and gas fracking revolution is a new paradigm which has made the country a game changer in the oil and gas scheme of things, and has immense implications for economics, energy and geopolitics. It is projected that in a few years, the US will surpass Saudi Arabia as the number one oil producer worldwide, having overtaken Russia as the number one natural gas producer in 2012 (Birol, 2013). This would exert a negative pressure on global oil prices, cau sing economies such as MexicoRead MoreThe Oil And Gas Revolution1821 Words   |  8 Pages(Mangeri, 2012). The US oil and gas fracking revolution is a new paradigm which has made the country a game changer in the oil and gas scheme of things, and has immense implications for economics, energy and geopolitics. It is projected that in a few years, the US will surpass Saudi Arabia as the number one oil producer worldwide, having overtaken Russia as the number one natural gas producer in 2012 (Birol, 2013). This would exert a negative pressure on global oil prices, causing economies such as MexicoRead MoreA Brief Note On The Global Water Crisis2165 Words   |  9 PagesThe Global Water Crisis Water is the most important substance in the universe. Water resources support agriculture, industry, electric power, recreation, navigation, and fisheries. People need it to live and grow food. The availability of water resources and the quality of the water are vital to life and to the world’s economy. Water makes up about 71% of the earth’s surface, but over 97% of all the earth’s water is contained within the oceans as salt water, â€Å"only 2.5% of total water supply is freshRead MoreEnvironmental Sustainability Theory : A Critical Review2917 Words   |  12 PagesEnvironmental scarcities theory – a critical review Introduction The problem of environmental degradation stands among the most grievous issues of the civilized world today like global poverty and international terrorism. Climate change, water shortage, deforestation – even though mentioned in its many different forms the effect that humanity has had and is having over nature is a cause for global concern now more than ever before. Consequently, the topic of environmentally induced conflictsRead MoreWater as a Source of Future Conflict in Sa26984 Words   |  108 PagesFierce competition for fresh water may well become a source of conflict and wars in the future. - Kofi Annan, former U.N. Secretary-General in 2001 Background of the Study 1. Water is directly related with the survival of human kind and it is crucial unlike other resources, because it does not have choices and alternatives. As a consequence of global warming and pollution, importance of water has increased much. Some 2 billion people† already lack water supplies. Water use has risen six-fold overRead More The Impact of the Oil Crisis on the American Economy Essay5555 Words   |  23 Pagesspike began early in 1999 due to a variety of factors. Struggle in the Middle East along with minimal policy changes from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and the U.S. Government has kept prices high to this very day. The History of Oil Crisis Within the United States Before looking at the current oil situation, it is important to understand the times of oil crisis in our country?s past. Through the years between 1970 and 2000, the price of oil has risen and fallen in often-drasticRead MoreChallenges in Oil Gas Industry5117 Words   |  21 Pages mergers acquisition. Through this paper, I have tried to analyse the major challenges which concerns the Oil and Gas Industry in current world scenario 4.1 Supply shortages due to Global Economic Slowdown The oil and gas sector requires tremendous and continuous investment to maintain and grow reserves in the face of accelerating depletion rates from the world’s known oil field. While some international and bigger oil companies have the option to finance the projects and exploration through

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Main Forces That Transitioned Europe Toward Modernity

Ngo Humanities 4314 Midterm: October 12, 2014 Isser Woloch suggests that the key forces that transitioned Europe toward modernity are associated with four different developments which â€Å"coincided with and reinforced each other in final decades of the eighteenth century: (1) rising population; (2) increased agricultural productivity; (3) a vast increase in commerce, particularly in the exploitation of their colonies by Britain and France; and (4) the expansion of textile manufacturing and the beginnings of its structural transformation in England† (113). Population Growth Prior to the Europe’s sustained growth, Europe struggled as far as keeping growth steady flowing; with that being said, as growth of population would reach its exponential, the population would shortly reach a downfall. The result of contagious diseases, crop failure, and the aftermath of war such as the Thirty Years War had altogether been the cause of a depopulated community. The fluctuation of population may be seen when one looks at the sixteenth century and the seventeenth century; for example, sixteenth century Europe had a rise in population while seventeenth century Europe suffered a significant decline in numbers for population. Europe’s population suffered a downfall when the prices of grain and flour had risen following the law of supply and demand; facing the wraths of high prices and short supply, people would soon become undernourished and starving, possibly trying to fend off hunger byShow MoreRelatedIs Economic Development a Prerequisite of a Functioning Democratic System?3861 Words   |  16 Pageschanging political systems. Since this theory is supposedly a unifying one, a broad sample of countries that should be covered by the hypothesis will be looked at in this essay, mostly comprising the post-fascist and post-communist democracies in Europe, but also incorporating some African and Asian states. To examine the first area then à ¢â‚¬â€œ is there in actual fact a correlation between 1 Seymour Martin Lipset, ‘Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy’Read MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesthat so many of his friends and colleagues contribute to this volume to recognize Michael’s contributions to academic accounting. I am honoured to join them. Anthony G. Hopwood University of Oxford December 2005 PREFACE ‘ A multitude of forces shape management accounting. From an organizational perspective, decision-makers and other users of accounting information often perceive changes in their information needs. Consequently, providers of accounting information within organizations respond

The Death Penalty And Wrongful Convictions - 980 Words

The death penalty has been a controversial topic among society for ages. An issue often brought up when discussing the legality of capital punishment is wrongful convictions. Advocates of the death penalty say that, while wrongful convictions are an issue, those few cases do not outweigh the need for lawful execution of felons who are, without a doubt, guilty. On the other hand, the opponents argue that the death penalty is wrong from both a legal and moral standpoint, an ineffective form of punishment, and should, ultimately, be outlawed. With both advocates and challengers constantly debating on this topic, the death penalty and wrongful convictions continue to be hot buttons issues for Americans and people throughout the world. In Jonah Goldberg’s article, Why Death Penalty Opponents Can’t Win, he dwells on how opponents of capital punishment may seem selective with the cases they bring up to challenge the death penalty. In his article, Goldberg expresses how he beli eves that abolitionists base their opinions of capital punishment, more or less, off of the fact that there is no way to be absolutely certain of a person’s guilt. He then goes on to state that these opponents cannot win because the cases they make public are more sympathetic in nature (12). While he calls this a good strategy (12), Goldberg goes on to express how he and many advocates believes that one wrongly accused person’s execution does not invalidate the need to lawfully execute the men and women whoShow MoreRelatedThe Wrongful Convictions Of The Death Penalty2050 Words   |  9 Pagesfour percent of them receive the death penalty being completely innocent. Scenarios like this happen all the time because there are more and more false persecutions each day which can be easily avoided. Many people are occupying prisons all over the world, for felonies they did not execute. More than 200 people have been exonerated through DNA testing nationwide. But why do these wrongful convictions keep happening? Well, in nearly 25 years since post-conviction DNA evidence has been used to demonstrateRead MoreThe Wrongful Convictions Of The Death Penalty2260 Words   |  10 Pagesfour percent of them receive the death penalty being completely innocent. Scenarios like this happen all the time because there are more and more false persecutions each day which can be easily avoided. Many people are occupying prisons all over the world, for felonies they did not execute. More than 200 people have been exonerated through DNA testing nationwide. But why do these wrongful convictions keep happening? Well, in nearly 25 years since post-conviction DNA evidence has been used to demonstrateRead MoreWrongful Conviction And The Death Penalty3795 Words   |  16 Pagesto twenty years in prison or the death penalty? The teenage years and mid-twenties heading into the thirties are supposed to be the best time in life for any individual, but also imagine all of those years taken away because the time spent in prison. No marriage, no more activities with kids or watching them grow up, can’t travel anywhere for vacation, all the holidays with family will disappear and other lifetime activities are gone as well. Wrongful conviction has been a huge issue for centuriesRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1132 Words   |  5 Pagesthat has the death penalty (Jurisdictions with no recent executions, 2017). Although thirty-one states have a death penalty, executions are rare or non-existing in most states (Jurisdictions with no recent executions, 2015). In 2015, only six states carried out executions (Jurisdictions with no recent executions, 2015). The death penalty has been a topic people argued over since it was first established. Many arguments have been made stating the positive impact from the death penalty, but there hasRead MoreDeath Penalty1333 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Death Penalty: Yes or No? Amanda Nichole Hester ENG 2001 Instructor Gary Henry September 28, 2013 The debate over the death penalty has been looming over the United States of America for numerous years. The death penalty/ sentence has been around since 5th century B.C. The practice of sentencing someone to death dates back to when the colonists settled in the New World. The controversy that the death penalty has caused in the United States is startling withinRead MoreThe Supreme Court s Court1135 Words   |  5 Pagesalmost all extraditions from Canada that do not contain assurances that the death penalty will not be imposed violate the principles of fundamental justice. In that respect, â€Å"in all but exceptional cases† any exercise of the Minister’s discretion that purports to grant an unconditional extradition in light of a capital sentence is void under s. 7 of the Charter. This ruling now shifts Canada’s approach to death penalty extradition in line with that of most European states, including France, ItalyRead MoreThe Death Penalty And The Crimi nal Justice System1475 Words   |  6 PagesThe death penalty has been used as a form of punishments in the United States since the American colonies in the 1600’s (Del Carmen, 2015). The country has divided opinions about the proper procedures used by the criminal justice system to convict a person to live or death. The death penalty has created a public policy issue that has produced wide scholarly research, public debate and legal attention. The reality is that the majority on Americans support the death penalty. Only a small proportionRead MoreIdentifying Innocent People On Death Row1381 Words   |  6 PagesJackie Delaney Professor Nagy The World of Crime Fiction 12/14/15 Identifying Innocent People on Death Row through DNA Evidence How has DNA evidence helped to identify innocent people on death row? This topic raises the question of how many people on death row should truly be there and what percent are innocent. Jay D. Aronson works at Carnegie Mellon University as an Assistant Professor of Science, Technology and Society, and Simon A. Cole works at the University of California as an AssistantRead MoreIn The Beginning Of The 1930’S Wrongful Convictions Tended1228 Words   |  5 PagesIn the beginning of the 1930’s wrongful convictions tended to attract quite a bit of attention in the United States, but it mostly focuses on the individual cases. Some have extensively with the more visibility cases such as the Scottsboro boys, the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and murder and more recent cases like the the Randall Dale Adams case in Texas who faced wrongful conviction, imprisonment, and near execution. Some cases have the attention of the public, including the Sam Sheppard case, whichRead MoreThe Dea th Penalty Should Be Abolished1403 Words   |  6 Pagesabolishing the death penalty is still a controversial debate. The legal system is there to defend the cries of the innocent, yet it cannot seem to determine who the innocents are. Until the voice of its people can be defended, the death penalty should be abolished. It is administering its punishments hoping they have the right perpetrator. It’s basically a guessing game and that should not be the case when it comes to who will end up getting deprived of their life. The death penalty is a racially

racial targeting Essay Example For Students

racial targeting Essay Cory LewisEnglish 50Racial Targeting and Profiling The practice of targeting individuals for police investigation based on their race alone in the last few years has been an increasingly prominent issue in American society. Numerous magazines, newspapers, and journals have explored the issue of race-motivated police actions.Recently, the ABA Journal did a study of New Jersey and Pennsylvania traffic stops from 1998 to 2001, concluding that black drivers were more likely to be pulled over and arrested than whites. The study also delves into the legal ramifications of the 1996 United States Supreme Court ruling in the Whren v. United States case, which held that police officers subjective motivation for stopping a motorist on the highway was irrelevant as long as a probable cause was present such as a traffic violation existed for making the stop.The Whren court decision validated the pretext stop, which occurs when police officers ostensibly stop motorists for traffic violations but are in fact motivated by the desire to obtain evidence of other crimes. Police officers, however, argue that racial profiling is common sense and is sensible, statistically based tool that enables them to focus their energies efficiently for providing protection against crime to law a-biding citizen. In Taylor and Whitney, a study investigating the existence of an empirical basis for racial profiling and crime, they concluded that society must acknowledge the statistics behind crime rates in order to understand the concept of racial profiling; such information is available in annual crime reports.Statistics are facts and numbers which cannot be disputed and provide the experiential basis for racial profiling. The FBI Bulletin also addressed the necessity to consider statistics in addressing the issue of racial profiling. However, unlike Taylor and Whitney who argue for the use of statistics to support racial profiling, the FBI Bulletin promotes the usage of statistics in order to r educe and hopefully eliminate racial profiling.The FBI Bulletin states that if agencies were mandated to keep consistent statistical reports on the attributes and nature of their traffic stops, then racial profiling will not be as rampant. A written record of all traffic stops would do so by attributing individual responsibility to the police officers involved in such violations. The issue of profiling, not only racial profiling is one that affects both the local and national levels. There are many different perspectives that people are taking toward the idea of race-motivated police traffic stops. The frequency of traffic stops among college students and whether or not race is a cause in such traffic stops has many other factors that that need to be taken into consideration, such as gender, age, vehicle, location, and attire. The issue of racial profiling in America is one of great importance to the future of American society. This issue is not new to our society; racism and stereo typing are issues that date back to many years ago. Racial profiling in America is on that needs to be addressed by the government and society if we ever want America to truly be, The Land of The Free. One of the main examples of racial profiling is called DWB (Driving While Black). This is a term starting to show itself a lot in cases of racial profiling. This name is meant to be a shot at he already known DWI (Driving While Intoxicated).In todayfs society, the perception is that most drug traffickers are minorities. This is very untrue. Racial profiling is based on the premise that minorities commit most drug offenses. Because police look for drugs primarily among African Americans and Latinos, they find an uneven number of them actually in possession of contraband.Therefore, these people are arrested, reinforcing the idea that drug trafficking is primarily a Latino or African American thing. At the same time, white drivers receive far less police attention; many of the drug dealers and users among them get away.This just feeds to the perception that whites commit fewer drug offenses than minorities. This often results in the persecution of innocent people based on skin color. T his also causes a huge distrust and minorities are less willing to cooperate.Driving While Black is not an issue that just arose its just now gaining a name. The practice of racial profiling by our nations police is the consequence of the rising concern about the war on drugs. .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 , .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .postImageUrl , .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 , .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97:hover , .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97:visited , .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97:active { border:0!important; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97:active , .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97 .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2425eb0784335178dff34d0e929c0a97:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: John Stienbeck's Indubious Battle Essay Drug use and drug selling are not limited to minorities in the US; in fact, five times as many whites use drugs. This war on drugs since it began targeted minorities. According to the governments own reports 80 percent of the country cocaine users are white and the typical cocaine user is a white middle class suburbanite.However, law enforcement tactics are concentrated in the inner city. This continues to feed the perception that most drug dealers and users are black. This prompted the drug courier profile, with racial overtones to take hold. Media coverage of this issue has begun to increase in the last couple of years or so. In the past year, front-page stories and editorials have appeared in every major national newspaper and many local papers. Even though media fascination with a problem does not make it real, lack of media coverage does not make a problem nonexistent either.However, because of the many stories and statistical reports, the lawsuits and even recent action by the government, make a good argument that, driving while black, is not just an occasional problem. Some of these stories are ridiculous there is so many cases its crazy.Racial profiling unbelievably is a big problem among the news media itself. When the media covers a story about drugs, they often show the black drug dealer, abuser, criminal, or the undeserving affirmative action recipient. When we look at the ways the national media has covered or failed to cover recent stories or studies we get a better understanding of the practice or racial pr ofiling in the media.In a recent poll taken by the child advocacy group Children Now the children included said that, the news media tends to portray African American and Latino people more negatively than white and Asian people. gMost of the major news media did not cover this story and the ones that did said, that the children were influenced by television newsh. (Media Blackface) News One of the major and most well known cases of racial profiling is the case of Amadou Diallo, where four white officers members of the anti street crime unit fired 41 shots at Diallo hitting him 19 times.The officers contended that they fired in what they though at the time was self defense.Amadou Diallo was shot 19 times for reaching for his wallet not a weapon. Diallo was just another black man that fit the profile of a drug dealer simply because he was black. In Pennsylvania Johnny Gammage was pulled over while driving his cousinfs Jaguar. As Gammage pulled over five police cars arrived on the sc ene. One of the officers said that Gammage ran three red lights before stopping after the officer flashed his lights at him.The officer took Gammage out of the car and saw him grab something that was reportedly a weapon, but was his cell phone. The officer knocked the phone out of Gammage hand and they scuffled. The other officers beat Gammage with a flashlight, a collapsible baton, and a blackjack as one put his foot on Gammage neck.Johnny Gammage died, handcuffed, ankles bound, facedown on the pavement shortly after the incident began. Again, this man was unarmed. Although the officers in both instances were punished, one must think if they were not officers would the punishment have been more severe, or if there were white officers would the punishment also have been more drastic.If the suspects in both instances had been suburban white males would the officerfs reactions been so dramatic. Even former President Clinton recognized racial profiling within our police departments. gPresident Clinton called racial profiling by police, a morally indefensible deeply corrosive practiceh. (Clinton Associated Press) He also said that, gpeople of color continue to have less confidence and less trust, and believe they are targeted for actionh. (Clinton Associated Press)Clinton recounted that he once asked a group of black journalists if the police had ever stopped them and they all raised their hands. Racial profiling is a problem that needs to be addressed by the government and the people of America. The subject of racial profiling is not only a problem; it is an age-old disease. This disease that has plagued America for a long time, and until we decide to grow up and get past stereotypical and bias views of other races and ethnic backgrounds, this problem will continue to exist with possible fatal results.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How i met your mother free essay sample

My favourite sitcom is â€Å"How I met your mother â€Å" . It is an American show which was first premiered on CBS in 2005 , the story revolves around the protagonist of the show Ted Mosby and his group of friends . In the year 2030 , Ted recites to his children the events which led him to meeting their mother(Milioti) and hence the name of the show is quite apt . Ted Mosby is an architect in New York City , the narrative deals with his best friends , including the news anchor Robin Scherbatsky , the eccentric, womaniser Barney Stinson and the couple Marshell Eriksen and Lily Aldrin . The series explores many storylines including a love triangle between Ted, Robin and Barney, a change in their careers . The show has nine seasons , the last one is to be aired in March 2014 This show was created by Craig Thomas and Carter Boys . The show belongs to the romantic comedy genre and is famous for its unique structure and eccentric humour , the show has received positive reviews throughout most of its run and managed to grab the attention of the audience. Josh Radnor as Ted Mosby an architecture teacher is the central charcter of the series who is on a quest for happiness and his â€Å" the one† , the woman he will marry. Ted is the most mature of the group and he goes to great lengths to profess his love to the woman in his lifr, but they all fade away after a while . He does eventually meet the loveof his life who is first seen in the finale of season 8 . Marshall Eriksen is Ted’s best friend , who is married to Lily , with whom he has been in love since his freshman year of college and serves as an inspiration for Ted to find his true love . Robins is a new anchor and Ted’s ex girlfriend , she has emigrated from Canada to take a job in New York where she meets Ted and his friends . The character of Barney Stinson is one of my favourite , he could be actually be called as the life of the show ,the phrases used by him such as â€Å"legendary† , â€Å"suit up â€Å" and spice to his character , although a womaniser his character has been appraised by all and was awarded with Favourite Tv Comedy Actor award. Lily Aldrin is the fifth friend , she is kindergarten teacher and is married to Marshall , Lily is the group’s moderator ,who is always there to resolve a conflict or to offer a shoulder to cry on , all the friends confine their secrets in her although she is terrible at keeping secrets . She is also very manipulative , often coaxing her friends behind the scenes to get her desired results , she keeps the group together . This show is one of my favourites since it is a light hearted comedy after a tiring day, i really enjoy watching this show since it is very humorous and entertaining for me , there is a new story in every episode , a few new characters are introduced and it is not linked to the previous episode thereby one can start watching it from any episode. The thirty minute episode is a complete laughter ride for me and acts as a real stress buster . For nine seasons the Mother of the children was not revealed and hence I used to be excited in finding out that who the actual mother of the kids is and wife of Ted , they have very well scripted the show keeping the buzz alive among the audience to keep watching the show for nine seasons to find out who actually is the Mother . I also like this particular serial since it depicts the strong ties among the friends , they go through various ups and downs in their lives , change in careers , loss of job , family problems but they stay together thick and thin . The show very well depicts the unbreakable bonds among these five friends , who always find time to spend together even in their busy lives, which i find quite commendable , although fictional characters but the bond depicted among them is quite strong . It depicts the sacred bond of friendship , how one would do anything dor the other with no questions asked. I like this show since it weaves a story , a story about how the universe and destiny keep weaving a weird scheme to get you where you are supposed to be and to be with the person you are meant to be with , every breath you take every choice you make is supposed to be working to get you where you are supposed to be . Like a cosmic plan that is working and you are like a puppet to it . The character of Barney one of my favourite thing about the show , although a womaniser , who is solely interested in seducing women , he is a very good person at heart , who would even sacrifice his life to help his friends , the character is very well played by Niel Patrick Harris and is loved by the audience too . On asking some of my other friends who watch this show they also pointed out similar reasons for liking it as it is romantic comedy, it is light and easy to digest after a heavy day , people are huge fans of the character played by Robbin as it is portrayed that she is an independent woman who has travelled to different parts of the world for her job , she  signifies strength and courage , she is a modern day woman who smokes cigar and can very well handle her scotch . This show has won People’s choice award for the favourite Network TV comedy show , the show has been nominated for 28 Emmy Awards. Stars Alyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris have each received acting accolades, with both receiving People’s choice award, and Harris receiving Emmy and Golden Globe nominations.